Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Half Birthday Maddie Leigh!!

Madison Leigh Newton...You are 6 Months old!
What are you up to these days?

  • You weigh 17 lbs 11 oz (80th precentile)
  • You are 25 3/4 inches long (50th precentile)
  • You wear a size 2 diaper and 6 months clothing
  • You love your baby food
    • Carrots
    • Bananas
    • Applesauce
    • Sweet Peas
    • Green Beans
    • Sweet Potatoes
    • Your favorite...Mimi's Mashed Potatoes
  • You have finally started sleeping through the night and it is awesome for Mommy and Daddy
  • You rarely sleep in our bed, you sleep in the play pin next to our bed, because your room is just to far for Mommy and Daddy right now. Its completely on the opposite side of the house.
  • You were moved up to the Infant 2 classroom on December 14th and are excelling extremely fast, you take an hour nap in the morning and an hour nap in the afternoon.
  • You are learning to crawl, you get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth then rock backwards while straightening one leg, you like to crawl backwards instead of forwards
  • You said your first word "Baby"
  • You said DADA while at the doctor on December 28, 2009
You have your first two teeth, both on the bottom and they are so cute

  • You LOVE Elmo
  • You are a cuddle bug
  • You try to suck your thumb, but would much rather just bite on it right now
  • You are such a happy baby
  • You love to bite your toes
  • Your super flexible
  • You NEVER meet a stranger, and you smile at everyone
  • I can not believe I will be planning your first birthday in 6 months, I feel like just yesterday you were born. 
  • You are the light of our eyes, and our everything
  • God knew exactly what he was doing when he brought you into our lives.
So on this snowy Christmas Eve, my baby girl celebrates her 6 months of life with a brand new 2009 PINK mustang GT convertible!!!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Maddie's Daycare
So I have often told myself I would give anything to be a stay at home mom with Maddie. Then she wouldn't have to go to daycare, worry about someone paying her some attention, getting a clean diaper every 30 minutes, being fed well, getting a few cat naps and overall staying at home with her mommy. Then I also thought what about interaction with kids her age, what about playing with awesome toys that are to much to have at home, parties, getting to dress up, and most importantly learning amazing social skills. So I am glad Maddie goes to daycare and thankful I have an amazing job. I get some frustrated with the teachers sometimes, she has snotty nose when I get there, they let her sleep through her bottle, she usually goes through 2 or 3 clothes changes a day, don't wipe her hiney good etc etc but I am thankful that we are able to afford a daycare. So many parents these days have to quit their job or take on 3 jobs just to pay for daycare. Right now Maddie is at Children's Lighthouse and she is learning things left and right. In a few months we will put her in Primrose where I know she will excel. So thank-you to all the daycare teachers out there to take time out of their day to spoil our little ones. Thank-you Miss Rebecca, Miss Sheena, and Miss Chelsi for taking care of my sweet Maddie!!!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa #1, #2, #3

So with this being the first Christmas for Maddie, we decided to have her photo made with as many Santa's as we could. And luckly she smiled in all the photos.

1st Santa was in Waco at the mall, this was just a spare of the moment, no one else in line idea and it turned out so cute!

2nd Santa was planned, it was at Stonebriar Mall close to our house in Frisco. He was great, and she truly cheesed in the photo.

3rd Santa was a santa that came to her school, they said she tried to pull his beard off, haha, but she was still a little doll.
In 2 days not only is it Christmas Eve, but our baby girl will be 6 months old. I can't believe it. TIME flies to fast!!! Enjoy the photos!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Up to Date

Start of a new day, and a new year. I have made a commitment that not only will my new years resolution be to lost 40 lbs but also to keep up with a blog. Whether its about Maddie, our life, or just some random advice, I will keep everything up to day.